
时间:2020-09-26 09:12:00
浏览量: 1577

​      对于很多考生来说,词汇一直是雅思备考中过不去的坎儿。今天,英国留学的小编和大家分享如何“有效”的增加词汇量吧。


      一、掌握丰富的英语词汇是雅思考试备考中很重要的一个环节,丰富的词汇量不仅可以在写作和口语这两个“输出型”考试中为你大大加分,在听力和写作这类“输入型”考试中也是很重要的。A proper grasp of vocabulary is definitely one of the mostimportant criteria in the IELTS test. Not only does vocabulary makeup 百分之二十五 of your mark in IELTS writing and speaking butit also plays a crucial part in IELTS Listening & Reading. 
      但是很多考生积累英文词汇的方法是错误的、低效的~However, a vastmajority of IELTS learners  don’t build up their vocabulary inthe right way. Lots of them have downloaded long lists of words without having seen them used in context before and thought thatthey could simply learn them by memorising.一些考生随便在网站上下载一些“必 备词汇清单”,就开始死记硬背,花了很多时间和精力,效果却并不理想 This is the single worst thing to improvetheir vocabulary skill. Why? The point is that words rarely have only onestrict meaning, so learning out of context is, in essence, is an absurd idea.不看上下文context死记单词等于没背,因为雅思考试和其他考试不同,雅思文章用词很灵活!It means that they don’t fully expose the words within a sentence andparagraph, thereby not figuring out how to use them properly.Therefore, to gain high score in vocabulary, IELTS learners have to use suitable words ineach situation, not by using new and strange ones.


      So my advice is that instead of learning difficult & strange words, you should focus on examining the words incontext, together with learning word forms ( countable, uncountable, noun ,verb,…) , collocations related to these words ( followed by whichadjectives, verbs or nouns…).
      2.多读多听Read & Listen!
      先弄明白单词在语境中的含义,接着进一步拓展它的其他用法Most vocabulary words are learned from context so let’s pick a TV show, radio,       podcast,magazine or book that interest you. (Bear in mind记住 that you shouldn’t forceyourself to watch or read something you are not a fan of because you canfeel distracted and then can’t stick to your plan坚持你的计划).The more words you’re exposed to, the better vocabulary you will have. Whileyou read, pay close attention to words you don’t know & how they are used.First, try to figure out their meanings from context. Then look the words up.
      3.改掉懒癌勤查词Get in the habit of looking up words you don’t know.
      It is absolutely essential to set upat least either of the online dictionaries named Oxford AdvancedLearner’s Dictionary牛津高阶英语词典 and CambridgeAdvanced Learner’s Dictionary剑桥高阶英语学习词典.  Keep in mindto keep it open and handy with thesauruses同义词词典 on its tool bar工具栏to look up any new word you are not entirely sure of.Beside each word you can jot down草草记下a brief note of the meaning,collocations, synonyms同义词, example sentences,antonyms反义词 and pronunciation. You can also draw pictures, relate the word to words you already know or do whateverto remember the word.尤其是对于那些想“真 正学号英语”的考生来说,这需要下很大的功夫



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